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ワーキングペーパーシリーズ - 2024年度版

No. Authors Title
2024-1 Ichiro Iwasaki and Shigeki Ono Financial Intermediation versus Direct Financing:
A Meta-Analytic Comparison of the Growth-Enhancing Effect
2024-2 井上ちひろ、奥山陽子、村上愛、森口千晶 戦前日本の医師名簿の代表性と医師名簿にみる医師の地理的移動
2024-3 Ichiro Iwasaki and Mihoko Satogami Diversity of Corporate Officers and its Regional Disparities in Germany
2024-4 Xinxin Ma and Ichiro Iwasaki Economic Transition and the Ethnic Wage Gap in China: A Meta-Analytic Approach