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ワーキングペーパーシリーズ - 2014年

No. Authors Title
2014-1 Yoshifumi Konishi and Nori Tarui Emissions Trading, Firm Heterogeneity, and Intra-Industry Reallocations in the Long Run
2014-2 Katerina Sherstyuk, Nori Tarui, Melinda Podor Wengrin, Jay Viloria and Tatsuyoshi Saijo Other-regarding Behavior under Collective Action
橋本由紀, 佐藤香織
Roger D. Congleton and
Dongwoo Yoo
A Test of the Unraveling Hypothesis: Constitutional Bargaining and the Quality of African Institutions
Pierre van der Eng
Mining and Indonesia’s Economy: Institutions and Value Adding, 1870-2010
2014-6 Tuan-Hwee Sng and Chiaki Moriguchi Asia's Little Divergence: State Capacity in China and Japan before 1850
2014-7 Chiu Yu Ko, Mark Koyama and Tuan-Hwee Sng Unified China and Divided Europe
Reiko Aoki, John Hillas and Tina Kao
Product Customization in the Spokes Model
2014-9 Imre Fertö The structural transformation in Central and Eastern European agriculture
2014-10 Takashi Kurosaki and Kazuya Wada
2014-11 Alice Ouyang and Saumik Paul Skilled Emigration, Wages and Real Exchange Rate in a Globalized World
2014-12 Jun Goto, Yasuyuki Sawada, Takeshi Aida and Keitaro Aoyagi Incentives and Social Preferences: Experimental Evidence from a Seemingly Inefficient Traditional Labor Contract?