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ワーキングペーパーシリーズ - 2020年版

No. Authors Title
2020-1 Ichiro Iwasaki and Byung-Yeon Kim Legal forms, organizational architecture, and firm failure:A large survival analysis of Russian corporations
Matthew McCartney
The Prospects of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC): The Importance of Understanding Western China
Yasushi Nakamura
2020-4 Josef C. Brada, Zdenek Drabek, and Ichiro Iwasaki Does Investor Protection Increase Foreign Direct Investment? A Meta-Analysis
2020-5 Ichiro Iwasaki and Xinxin Ma
2020-6 Kazuhiro Kumo Population Aging, Low Fertility and Social Security in Russia
Hyunbae Chun, Hailey Hayeon Joo, Jisoo Kang and Yoonsoo Lee
2020-8 Kazuhiro Kumo Fertility in Russia: A Re-examination Using Microdata
2020-9 岩﨑一郎・馬欣欣 中国における中等・高等教育の賃金効果 ーメタ分析ー
2020-10 Ichiro Iwasaki, Evžen Kočenda, and Yoshisada Shida
2020-11 Norio Horie and Ichiro Iwasaki
2020-12 Xinxin Ma and Ichiro Iwasaki Return to Schooling in China: A Large Meta-Analysis