(1) Iwasaki, I., "The Economics of Transition: Developing and Reforming Emerging Economies" (Routledge Advanced Texts in Economics and Finance Series)(編著), Routledge, Abingdon, 2020.
(2) 深尾京司共編著『日本経済の歴史』(現代2)、岩波書店、2018年.
(3) 深尾京司共編著『日本経済の歴史』(現代1)、岩波書店、2018年.
(4) Fukao, K., "Secular Stagnation and the Labor Market in Japan" in Cohen-Setton, J., Helbling, T., Posen, A., and Rhee, C., (eds.) Sustaining Economic Growth in Asia, Peterson Institute for International Economics, 2018.
(5) 深尾京司「日本の地位間経済格差:1874-2010年」(共著),徳井丞次編『日本の地域別生産性と格差:R-JIPデータベースによる産業別分析』, 東京大学出版会, 2018年.
(6) 深尾京司「製造業における生産性動学とR&Dスピルオーバー」(共著),徳井丞次編『日本の地域別生産性と格差:R-JIPデータベースによる産業別分析』, 東京大学出版会, 2018年.
(7) 深尾京司「人口減少・高齢化と地域経済」,徳井丞次編『日本の地域別生産性と格差:R-JIPデータベースによる産業別分析』(共著), 東京大学出版会, 2018年.
(8) Fukao, K., " Declining rate of return on capital and the role or intangibles in Japan: an empirical study using Japanese KLEMS (JIP) database"(共著) , in Deb Kusum Das ed., Productivity Dynamics in Emerging and Industrialized Countries, Routledge , 2018.
(9) Fukao, K.,, ”Republic of China’s Slowdown: Lessons from Japan’s Experience and the Expected Impact on Japan’s Economy” (共著), in Lin, Y., Morgan, P.J., and Wan, G., Slowdown in the People’s Republic of China, Structural Factors and the Implications for Asia, Asian Development Bank Institute, 2018.
(10) 祝迫得夫「パネル討論 Ⅰ:トランポノミクスと日本経済」(共著), 大橋弘・原千秋・細野薫・松島斉編『現代経済学の潮流2018』, 東洋経済新報社, 2018年.
(11) 岩﨑一郎編著,『比較経済論講義:市場経済化の理論と実証』、日本評論社、 2018年
(12) 岩﨑一郎編著『比較経済論講義:市場経済化の理論と実証』、日本評論社、2018年.
(13) 黒崎卓「パキスタン:持続的貧困削減に向けて」, 渡辺利夫編『アジア経済読本 第4版』, 東洋経済新報社, 2018年.
(14) Kurosaki, T., "The Agriculture-Macroeconomy Growth Link in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh: 1900-20002, in Pinilla, V. and Wilelbald,H. (eds.), Agricultural Development in the World Periphery: A Global Economic History Approach, Palgrave Studies in Economic History, 2018.
(15) Ma, Xinxin, "Economic Transition and Labor Market Reform in China", Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
(16) 森口千晶 「日米比較にみる日本型人事管理制度の史的発展」, 深尾京司・中村尚史・中村真幸編『日本経済の歴史5現代1』, 2018年.
(17) 深尾京司共編著『日本経済の歴史』(近代1)、岩波書店、2017年.
(18) 深尾京司共編著『日本経済の歴史』(近世1)、岩波書店、2017年.
(19) 深尾京司共編著『日本経済の歴史』(中世1)、岩波書店、2017年.
(20) Iwasaki, I., "Economics of European Crises and Emerging Markets" (共編著), Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
(21) 黒崎卓共訳、アマルティア・セン著『貧困と飢饉』(岩波現代文庫 学術366)、岩波書店、2017年.
(22) 黒崎卓著『開発経済学:貧困削減へのアプローチ、増補改訂版』(共著)、日本評論社、2017年.
(23) Kurosaki, T., "Comparative Economic Development in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh: Agriculture in the 20th Century", Maruzen Publishers, Economic Research Series No. 45, 2017.
(24) 森口千晶「政府の役割」, 深尾京司・中村尚史・中村真幸編『日本経済の歴史2 近世』, 2017年.
(25) 岩﨑一郎著『法と企業統治の経済分析ーロシア株式会社制度のミクロ実証研究ー』一橋大学経済研究叢書63、岩波書店、2016年.
(26) 雲和広著『ウズベキスタンの人口動態学』帯谷知可編『ウズベキスタンの人口動態』、明石書店、2016年.
(27) Kumo, Kazuhiro, "Demography of Russia: From the Past to the Present"(共著), Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
(29) Paul, Saumik, "The Long-term Welfare Effects of Forced Displacement: Lessons from Asia" (編著), Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
(30) 黒崎卓・大塚啓二朗編著『これからの日本の国際協力:ビッグ・ドナーからスマート・ドナーへ』、日本評論社、2015年2月.
(31) 森口千晶著「東日本大震災が消費支出と物価に与えた短期的影響:高頻度データによる実証分析」(共著)、斎藤誠編『大震災に学ぶ社会科学第4巻ー震災と経済』東洋経済新報社、2015年.
(32) 北村行伸編著『応用ミクロ計量経済学II』、日本評論社、 2014年3月.
(33) 岩﨑一郎・菅沼桂子著 『新興市場と外国直接投資の経済学:ロシアとハンガリーの経験』、日本評論社、 2014年.
(34) 雲和広著 『ロシア人口の歴史と現在』、岩波書店、 2014年.
(35) Rosefielde, Steven, Masaaki,Kuboniwa, Satoshi, Mizobata, "Prevention and Crisis Management: Lessons for Asia from the 2008 Crisis", World Scientific Pub., 2013.
(36) 黒崎卓「小特集:アジアにおける長期経済発展」『経済研究』64(1), 2013年1月.
(37) Bojnec, Stefan, Josef C. Brada, Masaaki Kuboniwa, "Overcoming the Crisis: Economic and Financial Developments in Asia and Europe", University of Primorska Press, 2012.
(38) Iwasaki, Ichiro, Csaba Mako, Miklos Szanyi, Peter Csizmadia, Mikos Illessy, "Economic Transformation and Industrial Restructuring: The Hungarian Experience", Maruzen Publishing Co., Ltd., 2012.
(39) スレイマン・イブラヒム・コーヘン著, 溝端佐登史・岩崎一郎・雲和広・徳永昌弘監訳, 比較経済研究会訳, 『国際比較の経済学 ―グローバル経済の構造と多様性―』、 NTT出版、2012年.
(40) Коллектив авторов (incl. Кумо, К.), "Миграция и миграционная политика Российской Федерации", Российская академия наук, Москва, Sep. 2011.
(41) 雲和広著 『ロシアの人口問題 ―人が減りつづける社会―』、東洋書店 ユーラシアブックレット No.167、2011年.
(42) 武田友加著 『現代ロシアの貧困研究』、東京大学出版会、2011年.
(43) 久保庭眞彰著 『ロシア経済の成⻑と構造―資源依存経済の新局⾯―』、岩波書店、2011年.
(44) 黒崎卓「小特集:自然災害に対する家計の脆弱性と復元力」『経済研究』62(2), 2011年4月.
(45) 岩﨑一郎・鈴木拓著 『比較経済分析―市場経済化と国家の役割―』、ミネルヴァ書房、2010年.
(46) Dolgopyatova,Tatiana, Ichiro Iwasaki, and Andrei Yakovlev, "Organization and Development of Russian Business: A Firm-Level Analysis", Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
■ 2020年度
(1) Iwasaki, I. "Ownership Concentration and Firm Performance in European Emerging Economies: A Meta-Analysis" (共著), Emerging Markets Finance & Trade, 56巻1号, 2020.
(2) Iwasaki, I. "Meta-Analysis of Emerging Markets and Economies: An Introductory Note for the Special Issue", Emerging Markets Finance & Trade, 56巻1号, 2020.
(3) Iwasaki, I. "Survival of Service Firms in European Emerging Economies" (共著), Applied Economics Letters, 27巻4号, 2020.
(4) Iwasaki, I. "Determinatns of Regional Fertility in Russia: A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis" (共著), Post-Communist Economies, 32巻2号, 2020.
(5) Lee, G., "Motivation for Information Exchange in a Virtual Community of Practice: Evidence from a Facebook Group for Shrimp Farmers"(jointly worked), World Development Vol.125, 2020.
■ 2019年度
(1) Kazuhiro Kumo "J-Curve in Transition Economies: A Large Meta-analysis of the Determinants of Output Changes" (共著), Comparative Economic Studies, 61巻1号, 2019.
(2) Kazuhiro Kumo " Post-Soviet population dynamics in the Russian Extreme North: A case if Chukotka", 21巻、2019.
(3) Arimoto, Yutaka, "Price and non-price information frictions in regional arbitrage: The case of rice traders in Antananarivo, Madagascar"(共著), Economic Development and Cultural Change , 67巻2号, 2019.
(4) Fukao, K. " Japan and the great divergence, 730-1874" (共著), Explorations in Economic History, 72巻, 2019.
(5) 深尾京司「サービス産業における計測ー価格と生産性の正しい計測法」(共著), 国友直人、山本拓(共編)『統計と日本社会』, 東京大学出版会, 2019年.
(6) 祝迫得夫「エネルギーの金融化が新興国の国際資本移動に与える影響」(共著), 『フィナンシャル・レビュー』, 137巻, 2019.
(7) Iwasaki, I. "Institutions and Determinants of Firm Survival in European Emerging Markets" (共著), Joural of Corporate Finance, 58巻, 2019.
(8)岩﨑一郎「中国共産党員資格と賃金プレミアム」(共著)『アジア経済』, 60巻3号, 2019年.
(9)岩﨑一郎「現代中国における男女賃金格差:メタ分析による接近」(共著)『比較経済体制研究』, 25巻, 2019年.
(10) 岩﨑一郎「ロシア地域出生率の動態と決定要因:動学的パネルデータ分析」(共著)『経済研究』, 70巻1号, 2019年.
(11) Iwasaki, I. "The Disinflation Effects of Central Bank Independence: A Comparative Meta-Analylsis between Transition Economies and the Rest of the World" (共著), Julien Chevallier et al (ed.) International Financial Markets, Volume 1 , Routledge, Abingdon, 2019.
(12) 岩﨑一郎「移行経済の企業所有構造と経営者交代:中国と東欧のメタ比較分析」(共著)『比較経済研究』, 56巻2号, 2019年.
(13) Kurosaki, T., "Demand for Temperature and Rainfall Index Insurance in India" (jointly worked), Agricultural Economics, Vol.50 No.3, 2019.
(1) Kazuhiro Kumo "Foreign Trade and Regional Inequality: the Case of the Russian Federation", Economika Regional [Economy of Region], 14巻3号, 2018年.
(2) 雲和広,「ウズベキスタンの人口動態」帯谷知可編『ウズベキスタンを知るための60章』, 明石書店, 2018年.
(3) 雲和広,「コメコン体制の崩壊と移行国の貿易」(共著), 岩﨑一郎編『比較経済論講義』, 日本評論社, 2018年.
(4) 雲和広,「体制転換と貧困:困窮化決定要因の推移」岩﨑一郎編『比較経済論講義』, 日本評論社, 2018年.
(5) 雲和広,「社会主義的遺制と人事労務管理」岩﨑一郎編『比較経済論講義』(共著), 日本評論社, 2018年.
(6) 雲和広,「コメコン体制の崩壊と移行国の貿易:メタ分析」『比較経済研究』 55巻1号, pp.45-60, 2018年.
(7) Arimoto, Y. "Adoption of Management Practices in the Public Sector of Bangladesh" (共著), Ali Farazmand (ed.) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, 2018.
(8) Arimoto, Y. "Rice flows across regions in Madagascar"(共著), African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 13巻1号, 2018.
(9) 深尾京司(共著)「中小企業における生産性動学:中小企業信用リスク情報データベース(CRD)による実証分析」,『経済研究』, 69巻4号, 2018.
(10) 祝迫得夫「家計による情報取得と金融資産投資:「日本家計パネル調査」のデータによる分析」, 『人口減少・高齢化・少子化の同時進行の下での日本経済と金融』, トラスト未来フォーラム研究叢書, 83巻, 2018年.
(11) Iwaisako, T. (共著), "Impact of exchange rate shocks on Japanese exports: Quantitative assessment using a structural VAR model", Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 46巻
(12) 岩﨑一郎「企業統治システム」新井洋史編著『ロシア企業の組織と経営:マイクロデータによる東西地域比較分析』, 日本評論社, 2018年.
(13) Iwasaki, I. "Corporate governance System and Regional Heterogeneity: Evidence from East and West Russia", International Journal of the Economics of Business, 25巻3号, 2018.
■ 2017年度
(1) Kumo, Kazuhiro, "Post-Soviet Period Changes in Resource Utilization and Their Impact on Population Dynamics in Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Geography, Environment, Sustainability" (共著), GEOGRAPHY ENVIRONMENT SUSTAINABILITY 10巻3号, 2017年.
(1) 岩﨑一郎,「世界金融危機下ロシアの企業所有構造と経営監督体制:工業企業のパネルデータ分析」『比較経済研究』,第53巻第1号,2016年,pp.19-44.
(2) 上垣彰・岩﨑一郎,「移行経済における中央銀行の独立性:インフレーション抑制効果のメタ分析」『スラヴ研究』,第63号,2016年,pp.1-44.
(3) 雲和広,「ロシアにおける人口移動要因の変遷:人口移動マトリックスによる分析」『経済研究』,第67巻第3号,2016年,pp.215-237.
(4) 岩崎一郎・雲和広「危機と復興の移行経済:マクロ経済成長決定要因のメタ分析」『経済研究』,第67巻第4号,2016年,pp.326-338.
(5) 溝端佐登史・岩崎一郎,「ポスト私有化期の所有構造と企業パフォーマンス:移行経済研究のメタ分析」『経済研究』,第67巻第4号,2016年,pp.354-380.
(6) 雲和広,「ロシアの経済発展とシベリア極東開発」『ロシア・ユーラシアの経済と社会』,第1000記念号,2016年,pp.52-64.
(7) Iwasaki, I., M. Maurel, and B. Meunier, “Firm Entry and Exit during A Crisis Period: Evidence from Russian Regions”, Russian Journal of Economics, Vol. 2 (2), 2016, pp. 162-191.
(8) Iwasaki, I. and M. Tokunaga, “Technology Transfer and Spillovers from FDI in Transition Economies: A Meta-Analysis”, Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 44 (4), 2016, pp. 1086-1114.
(9) Iwasaki, I., “The Evolution of Corporate Governance in the Global Financial Crisis: The Case of Russian Industrial Firms”, Journal of Governance & Regulation, Vol. 5 (4), 2016, pp. 16-39.
(10) Iwasaki, I. and T. Suzuki, “Radicalism versus Gradualism: An Analytical Survey of the Transition Strategy Debate”, Journal of Economic Surveys, Vol. 30 (4), 2016, pp. 807-834.
(11) Kumo, K., “Population Statistics of Russia: The Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation”, In: Karabchuk, T., Kumo, K., and E. Selezneva, Demography of Russia: From the Past to the Present, Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, 2016, pp. 11-62.
(12) Kumo, K., “Changes in Mortality: Meta-Analysis”, In: Karabchuk, T., K. Kumo, and E. Selezneva, Demography of Russia: From the Past to the Present, Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, 2016, pp. 219-259.
(13) Kumo, K., “Interregional Migration: Analysis of Origin-to-Destination Matrix”, In: Karabchuk, T., K. Kumo, and E. Selezneva, Demography of Russia: From the Past to the Present, Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, 2016, pp. 262-314.
(14) Kumo, K., “Research on Poverty in Transition Economies: A Meta-analysis on Changes in the Determinants of Poverty”, Transition Studies Review, Vol. 23 (1), 2016, pp. 37-60.
(15) Igarashi, N., and K. Kumo. “Women's Voices: Gender Survey in Tajikistan”, Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Studies, Vol. 47 (1), 2016, pp. 11-30.
(16) Karabchuk, T., K. Kumo, and E. Selezneva, Demography of Russia: From the Past to the Present, Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, 2016.
(17) КУМО, К., и Т. ЛИТВИНЕНКО, “Население Чукотки в пространстве и времени”, Российские регионы: взгляд в будущее, Vol. 3, 2016, pp. 50-66.
(18) Paul, Saumik, "Reversal of Fortune? The Long-term Effect of Conservation-led Displacement in Nepal"(共著), Oxford Development Studies Vol. 44-4, pp.401-419, 2016.
(19) Paul, Saumik, "Industrialisation-led displacement and long-term welfare: evidence from West Bengal"(共著), Oxford Development Studies, pp.1-20, 2016.
(20) Paul, Saumik, "Displacement, Compensation and Channels of Endurance: An Industrialization-led development Saga"(共著), Oxford Development Studies Vol. 45-3, pp.240-259, 2016.
(21) 増田一八,「『緑の革命』の隠されたコスト:農薬による水質汚染は子どもの早期死亡率を高めるか」,『経済セミナー』 688巻 2016年.
(22) Kurosaki, Takashi, "Does Political Reservation Affect Voting Behavior? Empirical Evidence from India"(共著), Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 51-20, 2016.
(23) Kurosaki, Takashi, "Targeting Performance of Community-based Development Interventions: An Econometric Analysis of a Women-Focused and Women-Managed Non-Governmental Organization in Rural Pakistan"(共著), Pakistan Development Review, 2016.
(24) Kurosaki, Takashi, "Impact of Human Resource Development Training on Crop Damages by Wild Animals in Developing Countries: Experimental Evidence from Rural Pakistan"(共著), Journal of Development Effectiveness, 2016.
(25) 黒崎卓,「パキスタンの教育制度の特徴と課題」, 押川文子・南出和余編『「学校化」に向かう南アジア:教育と社会変容』昭和堂 58-94頁 2016年.
(26) Kurosaki, Takashi, "A Note on the Reliability of Agricultural Wage Data in India: Reconciliation of Monthly AWI Data for District-Level Analysis"(共著), Review of Agrarian Studies, Vol. 6-1, pp. 6-38, 2016.
(27) 森口千晶,「 日本と韓国における養子制度の発展と児童福祉―社会的養護としての養子縁組を考える―」(共著),『経済研究』 67巻1号26-46頁 2016年
(28) Arimoto, Yutaka, "Farmland Consolidation by Plot Exchange: A Simulation-based Approach"(共著), Japanese Journal of Rural Economics, Vol. 18, pp.1-16, 2016.
■ 2015年度
(1) Kurosaki, Takashi, "Long-term Agricultural Growth in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh from 1901/2 to 2001/2", International Journal of South Asian Studies, Vol. 7, pp. 61-86, 2015.
(2) 黒崎卓,「開発途上国における零細企業家の経営とインフォーマリティ:インド・デリー市の事例より」, 『経済研究』 66巻4号301-320頁, 2015年.
(3) 黒崎卓,「インドにおける農村・都市労働移動と人的資本投資:デリーのリキシャ引きの事例を中心に」(共著), 押川文子・宇佐美好文編『激動のインド 第5巻 暮らしの変化と社会変動』日本経済評論社 213-246頁 2015年 .
(4) Kurosaki, Takashi, "Vulnerability of Household Consumption to Floods and Droughts in Developing Countries: Evidence from Pakistan", Environment and Development Economics, Vol. 20-2, pp. 209-235, 2015.
(5) Kurosaki, Takashi, "Spatial Characteristics of Long-term Changes in Indian Agricultural Production: District-Level Analysis, 1965-2007"(共著), Review of Agrarian Studies, Vol. 5-1, pp. 1-38, 2015.
■ 2014年度
(1) 黒崎卓・Hidayat Ullah Khan, 「開発途上国におけるコミュニティ動員型開発と集計的ショック:パキスタンのNGOの事例より」『経済研究』65(2), pp. 168-186, 2014年4月.
(2) Moriguchi, Chiaki and Tuan-Hwee Sng, “Asia’s Little Divergence: State Capacity in China and Japan Before 1850,” Journal of Economic Growth 19(4), pp. 439-470, December 2014.
(3) Wu, Harry, Esther Y.P. Shea and Alice Shiu, “Has China’s Fast Industrial Growth Been Efficient? An Industry-level Investigation with a Newly Constructed Data Set,” Applied Economics, forthcoming.
(4) Lin, Justin, Xifang Sun and Harry Wu, “Banking Structure and Industrial Growth: Evidence from China,” Journal of Banking and Finance, forthcoming.
(5) Wu, Harry, “The Growth of 'Non-Material Services' in China: Maddison’s 'Zero-Labor-Productivity-Growth' Hypothesis Revisited,"『経済研究』65(3) pp. 265-283, July 2014.
(6) Kambayashi, Ryo and Toshie Ikenaga, “Task Polarization in the Japanese Labor Market: Evidence of a Long-term Trend,” Industrial Relations, forthcoming.
(7) Kambayashi, Ryo and Kozo Kiyota, “Disemployment Caused by Foreign Direct Investment? Multinationals and Japanese Employment,” Review of World Economics, forthcoming.
(8) Honjo, Yuji, Masatoshi Kato and Hiroyuki Okamuro, “R&D Investment of Start-up Firms: Does Founders’ Human Capital Matter?,” Small Business Economics 42(2), pp. 207-220, February 2014.
(9) Hemmert, Martin, Ludwig Bstieler and Hiroyuki Okamuro, “Bridging the Cultural Divide: Trust Formation in University-industry Research Collaborations in the US, Japan, and South Korea,” Technovation 34(10), pp. 605-616, October 2014.
(10) Kato, Masatoshi, Hiroyuki Okamuro and Yuji Honjo, “Does Founders’ Human Capital Matter for Innovation? Evidence from Japanese Start-ups,” Journal of Small Business Management 53(1), pp. 114-128, January 2015.
(11) Okamuro, Hiroyuki and Junichi Nishimura, “Not Just Financial Support? Another Role of Public Subsidy in University-Industry Research Collaborations,” Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 24(7), pp. 633-659, September 2015.
(12) Nishimura, Junichi and Hiroyuki Okamuro, “Knowledge and Rent Spillovers through Government-Sponsored R&D Consortia,” Science and Public Policy, forthcoming.
(13) Kurosaki, Takasaki and Yoshito, “Learning from Disaster: Community-based Marine Protected Areas in Fiji,” Environment and Development Economics 21(1), pp. 53-77, February 2016.
(14) Takasaki, Yoshito, “How Is Disaster Aid Allocated within Poor Villages? Risk Sharing and Social Hierarchy,” Journal of International Development 26(8), pp. 1097-1114, November 2014.
(15) Tomohara, Akinori and Akihiko Ohno,“Valuing Non-pecuniary Instruments of Human Resource Management,” International Review of Economics 61(1), pp. 1-11, April 2014.
■ 2013年度
(1) Belderbos, Rene, Kyoji Fukao, Keiko Ito and Wilko Letterie, “Global Fixed Capital Investment by Multinational Firms,” Economica 80(318), pp. 274-299, April 2013.
(2) 神門善久「東アジアの経済成長と教育ストック」『経済研究』64(1), pp. 30-41, 2013年1月.
(3) 有本寛・藤栄剛 ・仙田徹志 「1930年代日本の農家負債:『農家負債に関する調査』のミクロデータ分析」 『経済研究』64(1), pp. 13-29, 2013年1月.
(4) 三浦憲・櫻井武司 「誰が天候インデックス保険を購入するのか-ザンビア農村における販売実験-」『日本農業経済学会論文集2012』pp. 442-449, 2012年12月.
(5) Fukao, Kyoji and Tangjun Yuan,“China’s Economic Growth, Structural Change and the Lewisian Turning Point,” Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics 53(2), pp. 147-176, December 2012.
(6) Belderbos, Rene, Kyoji Fukao, Keiko Ito and Wilko Letterie, “Global Fixed Capital Investment by Multinational Firms,” Economica 80(318), pp. 274-299, April 2013.
(7) 三宅元・櫻井武司 「輸送インフラの整備と農産物市場の統合-マダガスカルのコメ市場の分析-」『経済研究』63(3), pp. 209-226, 2012年7月.
(8) Chiaki Moriguchi, "The Evolution of Child Adoption in the United States, 1950-2010,"『経済研究』63(3), pp. 265-285, 2012年7月.
(9) Fuwa, Nobuhiko, Seiro Ito, Kensuke Kubo, Takashi Kurosaki, and Yasuyuki Sawada, “How Does Credit Access Affect Children's Time Allocation? Evidence from Rural India,” Journal of Globalization and Development 3(1), Published Online, June 2012.
(10) Shimono, Hiroyuki, Hidetoshi Miyazaki, Hitoshi Shinjo, Hiromitsu Kanno, and Takeshi Sakurai, “Do Zambian Smallholders Choose the Optimal Sowing Date for High Maize Productivity?,” Tropical Agriculture and Development 56(2), pp. 62-70, July 2012.
(11) 黒崎卓「途上国における自然災害の経済分析に向けたデータ収集方法:研究展望とパキスタンの事例」『アジア経済』53(4), pp. 48-68, 2012年6月.
(12) Kurosaki, Takashi and Hidayat Ullah Khan,“Vulnerability of Microfinance to Strategic Default and Covariate Shocks: Evidence from Pakistan,” Developing Economies, 50(2), pp. 81-115, June 2012.
(13) Arimoto, Yutaka, "Participatory Rural Development in 1930s Japan: The Economic Rehabilitation Movement," Developing Economies 50(2), pp. 170-192, June 2012.
(14) Masatoshi Kato and Hiroyuki Odagiri, "Development of University Life-Science Programs and University-Industry Joint Research in Japan," Research Policy 41(5), pp. 939–952, June 2012.
(15) Kanno, Hiromitsu, Takeshi Sakurai, Hitoshi Shinjo, Hidetoshi Miyazaki, Yudai Ishimoto, Tazu Saeki, Chieko Umetsu, Sesele Sokotela, and Milimo Chiboola, “Indigenous Climate Information and Modern Meteorological Records in Sinazongwe District, Southern Province, Zambia,” Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly 47(2), pp. 191-201, April 2013.
(16) Okamuro, H. and J. Nishimura, "Impact of University Intellectual Property Policy on the Performance of University-Industry Research Collaboration," Journal of Technology Transfer 38(3), pp. 273-301, June 2013.
(17) Mieno, Fumiharu, "Toward Myanmar's New Stage of Development: Transition from Military Rule to the Market," Asian Economic Policy Review 8(1), pp. 94–117, June 2013.
(18) 阿部修人「若年者の直面する雇用・所得リスクに関する一考察-パネルデータと予備的貯蓄モデルを用いた動学分析」『経済研究』 64(3), pp. 193-203, July 2013.
(19) Takasaki, Yoshito, Oliver T. Coomes, Christian Abizaid, and Stephanie Brisson, "An Efficient Nonmarket Institution under Imperfect Markets: Labor Sharing for Tropical Forest Clearing," American Journal of Agricultural Economics 96(3), pp. 711-732, April 2014.
(20) Kato, Masatoshi, Hiroyuki Okamuro, and Yuji Honjo, "Does Founders' Human Capital Matter for Innovation?," Journal of Small Business Management 53(1), pp. 114-128, January 2015.
■ 2011年度
(1) Miura, Ken, Hiromitsu Kannno, and Takeshi Sakurai, "Shock and Livestock Transactions in Rural Zambia: Re-examination of the Buffer Stock Hypothesis," Japanese Journal of Rural Economics 14, pp. 20-34, March 2012.
(2) Zhang, Jian Xiong, "Effect of Venture Capitalists on Japanese Firms' Patent Applications in the Pre- and Post-IPO Periods," Journal of International Economic Studies 26, March 2012.
(3) 木附晃実・櫻井武司「ザンビア農村における消費の季節変動と消費構成の変化」『農業経済研究 別冊』2011年度日本農業経済学会論文集 pp. 380-384, 2011年12月.
(4) 那須田晃子・菅野洋光・櫻井武司 「豪雨被害が家計および個人の時間配分に与える影響分析:ザンビア南部州の事例」『農業経済研究 別冊』2011年度日本農業経済学会論文集 pp. 385-392, 2011年12月.
(5) Sakurai, Takeshi, Akiko Nasuda, Akinori Kitsuki, Ken Miura, Taro Yamauchi, and Hiromitsu Kanno, "Measuring Resilience of Household Consumption: The Case of the Southern Province of Zambia,"『農業経済研究 別冊』2011年度日本農業経済学会論文集 pp. 393-400, 2011年12月.
(6) 三重野文晴・清水聡・Tran Thi Van Ahn 「アジア債券市場整備の取り組みと債券市場の現状について」『国民経済雑誌』204(6), pp. 24-43, 2011年12月.
(7) 北村行伸・内野泰助「家計の資産選択行動における学歴効果:逐次クロスセクションデータによる実証分析」『金融経済研究』33, pp. 24-45, 2011年10月.
(8) 阿部修人・塩谷匡介 「Homescanによる家計別の物価変化率の特徴」『経済研究』62(4), pp. 356-370, 2011年10月.
(9) 岡室博之 「研究開発型中小企業の追跡調査」『日本中小企業学会論集』30巻, pp. 171-183, 2011年9月.
(10) Ahn, Sanghoon, Kyoji Fukao, and Keiko Ito, "Globalization and Labor Markets in East Asia," Chin Hee Hahn and Sang-Hyop Lee (eds.), Reforms for Korea's Sustained Growth, Korea Development Institute pp.157-197, August 2011.
(11) Kurosaki, Takashi and Humayun Khan,"Floods, Relief Aid, and Household Resilience in Rural Pakistan: Findings from a Pilot Survey in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa," The Review of Agrarian Studies 1(2), pp. 79-107, July-December 2011.
(12) 中嶋晋作・有本寛 「換地選定をめぐる利害対立と合意形成―新潟県新発田北部地区の事例―」『農村計画学会誌』 30(1), pp. 65-73, 2011年6月.
(13) Okamuro, Hiroyuki, Masatoshi Kato and Yuji Honjo, "Determinants of R&D Cooperation in Japanese Start-ups," Research Policy 40(5), pp. 728-738, June 2011.
(14) Nishimura, Junichi and Hiroyuki Okamuro, "Subsidy and Networking: The Effects of Direct and Indirect Support Programs in the Cluster Policy," Research Policy, 40, pp. 714–727, June 2011.
(15) Fukao, Kyoji, Tomohoki Inui, Keiko Ito, Young Gak Kim, and Tangjun Yuan, "An International Comparison of the TFP Levels and the Productivity Convergence of Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese, and Chinese Listed Firms," Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies 9(2), pp. 127-150, May 2011.
(16) 櫻井武司・那須田晃子・木附晃実・三浦憲・菅野洋光・山内太郎 「家計の脆弱性と回復力:ザンビアの事例」『経済研究』62(2), pp. 166-187, 2011年4月.
(17) 黒崎卓 「村落レベルの集計的ショックに対する家計の脆弱性:パキスタン農村部における自然災害の事例」『経済研究』62(2), pp. 153-165, 2011年4月.
(18) Nishimura, Junichi and Hiroyuki Okamuro, "R&D Productivity and the Organization of Cluster Policy: An Empirical Evaluation of the Industrial Cluster Project in Japan," Journal of Technology Transfer 36(2), pp. 117-144, April 2011.
(19) Kitamura, Yukinobu and Takeshi Miyazaki, "Marriage Promotion Policies and Regional Differences in Marriage," The Japanese Economy, 38(1), pp. 3-39, Spring 2011.
(20) Ikeuchi, Kenta and Hiroyuki Okamuro, "Effects of Regional Human Capital Structures on Business Entry: A Comparison of Independent Start-ups and New Subsidiaries in Different Industries," Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research 23, pp. 118-153, 2011.
■ 2010年度
(1) Kurita, Kyosuke and Takashi Kurosaki, "Dynamics of Growth, Poverty, and Inequality: A Panel Analysis of Regional Data from Thailand and the Philippines," Asian Economic Journal 25(1), pp. 3-33, March 2011.
(2) Yamashita, Nobuaki and Kyoji Fukao, "Expansion abroad and jobs at home: Evidence from Japanese multinational enterprises," Japan and the World Economy, Elsevier 22(2), pp. 88-97, March 2011.
(3) Nakajima, Kentaro and Takatoshi Tabuchi, "Estimating Interregional Utility Differentials," Journal of Regional Science 51(1), pp. 31-46, February 2011.
(4) Shim, Jungwook and Hiroyuki Okamuro, "Does ownership matter in mergers? A comparative study of the causes and consequences of mergers by family and non-family firms," Journal of Banking and Finance 35(1), pp. 193-203, January 2011.
(5) 黒崎卓 「労働移動とネットワーク、都市貧困:デリーのリキシャ引きの事例から」『南アジア研究』 22, pp. 383-404, 2010年12月.
(6) Ito, Keiko and Kyoji Fukao, "Determinants of the Profitability of Japanese Manufacturing Affiliates in China and Other Regions: Does Localisation of Procurement, Sales, and Management Matter?" The World Economy 33(12), pp. 1639-1671, December 2010.
(7) Abe, Naohito and Ichiro Iwasaki, "Organizational Culture and Corporate Governance in Russia: A Study of Managerial Turnover," Post-Communist Economies 22(4), pp. 449-470, November 2010.
(8) Moriguchi, Chiaki, "Child Adoption in Japan, 1948-2008: A Comparative Historical Perspective," 『経済研究』 61(4), pp. 342-357, 2010年10月.
(9) Arimoto, Yutaka, Tetsuji Okazaki and Masaki Nakabayashi, "Agrarian land tenancy in prewar Japan: Contract choice and implications on productivity," Developing Economies 48(3), pp. 293-318, September 2010.
(10) Abe, Naohito and Akiyuki Tonogi, "Micro and Macro Price Dynamics in Daily Data," Journal of Monetary Economics 57(6), pp. 716-728, September 2010.
(11) Moriguchi, Chiaki, "Top Wage Income in Japan, 1951-2005," Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 24(3), pp. 301-333, September 2010.
(12) Fukao, Kyoji, Harry X. Wu and Tangjun Yuan, "Comparative Output and Labour Productivity in Manufacturing for China, Japan, Korea and the United States in Circa 1935 by a Production PPP Approach," Exploration in Economic History 47(3), pp. 325-346, July 2010.
(13) 金 榮愨・深尾 京司・牧野 達治 「失われた20年」の構造的原因」『経済研究』 61(3), pp. 237-260, 2010年7月.
(14) 阿部修人・新関剛史 「Homescan による家計消費データの特徴」『経済研究』 61(3), pp. 224-236, 2010年7月.
(15) Abe, Naohito and Daiji Kawaguchi, "Incumbent's price response to new entry: The case of Japanese supermarkets," Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 24(2), pp. 196-212, June, 2010.
(16) 黒崎卓 「インド、パキスタン、バングラデシュにおける長期農業成長」『経済研究』 61(2), pp. 168-189, 2010年4月.
(17) Okamuro, Hiroyuki and Xiong Zhang, "Shareholding by venture capitalists and R&D investment of start-up firms," Corporate Ownership and Control 7, pp. 142-149, April 2010.