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ワーキングペーパーシリーズ - 2017年版

No. Authors Title
深尾京司・袁 堂軍
2017-2 Ichiro Iwasaki and Evžen Kočenda
2017-3 Tamara Vitalyevna Litvinenko and Kazuhiro Kumo Post-Soviet Period Changes in Resource Utilization and Their Impact on Population Dynamics: Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
2017-4 石川健・大津定美・雲和広・志田仁完・中村靖・日臺健雄  ロシアの 長期 労働統計
2017-5 Eduard Baumöhl, Ichiro Iwasaki, and Evžen Kočenda
2017-6 Kseniia Gatskova and Vladimir Kozlov Doubling Up or Moving Out? The Effect of International Labor Migration on Household Size 
2017-7 Olga Kupets Investment in human capital in post-Soviet countries:  Why are firms not training more?
2017-8 Ippei Fujiwara and Yuichiro Waki
Marko Vladisavljević, Cristiano Perugini
Gender inequality and the gender job satisfaction paradox in Europe